There are several reasons to do away with your paper bank statements. In addition to cluttering your mailbox, paper statements are less secure. Unless you immediately shred them after reviewing them, an identity thief could easily pilfer the papers and gain access to your banking information. At Varsity, you will be automatically enrolled into eStatements.
What are eStatements?
eStatements are electronic bank statements for your Varsity account. With eStatements, you’ll have access to your monthly statements online instead of having them physically mailed to you. You’ll also be able to check your reports anytime, anywhere, and stay up-to-date on your spending with just the click of a button
Get Started with eStatements from Varsity
eStatements from Varsity are secure, environmentally friendly bank statements. Don’t have an account with us yet? No problem. Open an account today to enjoy eStatements, online and mobile banking solutions, and more with Varsity!